Wednesday, May 15, 2013

kids say the darnedest things

I was walking out of the house yesterday, when some new refrigerator art caught my eye. My youngest daughter, 8 year-old Ashton, was the artist.

But I believe God was the author.

I'm not sure what the specifics behind Ashton's creation are, because our family is not going through anything particularly challenging right now (knock wood). But for whatever reason, God's Spirit breathed a little truth into Ashton's heart that she had to share. And I'm glad she did.

If you're struggling with some difficult times in your life, remember the truth revealed to and through an 8 year-old. God may not have caused the pain in your life, but he certainly won't waste it. He has this amazing creative capacity to take something that seems only negative and tease something positive out of it.

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28

What do you think?

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