Friday, July 18, 2014

the sex lives of married ministers

I'll be honest ... I like titles that are a little shocking. Once or twice I've been accused of overselling content with a titillating title. Today this is the case. Tasha and I recently wrote an article for the print version of Group Magazine titles, "The Enemy of Sex." In the article, we discuss several intimacy killers and offer some insights on how you can work through them.

Jonathan McKee just posted a blog about marriage and intimacy titled, "Promiscuity or Monogamy." In his article, he cites some research on marital happiness as it's influenced by sexuality. Tasha has often said that our culture views God's views on sex like health food - it's good for me, but I'm sacrificing the good stuff to get it - and culture's views on sex like, well, the good stuff. I always find it amazing when research "proves" Kingdom of God choices are better and more life-giving. Read the two articles and see how they sit with you.

What do you think?

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